Valery Dronsky MD General Surgeon NYC
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Surgical Experts Dedicated to Improving Lives

At Lenox Hill Minimally Invasive Surgery PLLC, Dr. Valery Dronsky and his staff of medical professionals provide compassionate care with the highest ethical & professional standards. In our state of the art facility, we offer surgical services using only the most cutting edge and current procedures and treatments. We specialize in general surgery, including extensive experience in performing hernia repair surgery. Our expertise is in minimally invasive surgery and robotic surgery. Minimally invasive and robotic surgery often allow patients to experience easier recovery than traditional open surgery. They also allow for more precise and less traumatic surgery. When robotic and minimally invasive surgery is not an option, we are also skilled and experienced in traditional open surgical procedures.

Dr. Dronsky is an experienced and highly skilled surgeon having undergone extensive training in school, residency and fellowships. He practices medicine with ethical behavior, compassion and superb bedside manner. In the operating room he exhibits precision mechanical abilities, analytical thinking and the ability to visualize tissue in three dimensions. These innate and learned skills allow Dr. Dronsky to be one of the most dexterous and skilled professionals in New York City and the Country.

Call us: 646-846-1136

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We are honored and deeply appreciative to have consistently received prestigious awards and recognition year after year, establishing us as one of New York’s foremost hospitals for a wide range of general surgeries, safety measures, specialized procedures, and overall excellence in healthcare. At Lenox Hill Minimally Invasive Surgery, our unwavering commitment lies in delivering exceptional care and unwavering support to our patients, guaranteeing their safety and successful recovery throughout their entire surgical experience.

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Top 1% in the nation for providing the highest clinical quality year over year.

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America’s 100 Best Hospitals Award™ (2021)

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Top 5% in the nation for consistently delivering clinical quality.

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Top in the nation for providing excellence in patient safety by preventing infections, medical errors, and other preventable complications.

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Superior clinical outcomes in heart bypass surgery, coronary interventional procedures, heart attack treatment, heart failure treatment, and heart valve surgery.


America’s 100 Best Hospitals for Coronary Intervention Award™ (2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019)

Superior clinical outcomes in coronary intervention procedures (angioplasty with stent).


America’s 100 Best Hospitals for Prostate Surgery Award™ (2023, 2022, 2021)

Superior clinical outcomes in prostate removal surgery and transurethral resection of the prostate.

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Category Archives: Colon cancer

General Surgery: Colon Cancer

People with colon cancer mostly have to undergo general surgery. It is the primary treatment for people with early stages of colon cancer. Furthermore, there are different types of colon surgeries. The doctors choose to perform between each of the surgery by considering certain factors. These factors involve the severity of cancer, location of the abnormal growth in the colon, and the exact purpose of the surgery.


Surgeons use this type of colon surgery procedure for patients that are just in the early stages of tumor. In this stage, polyps start to spear in the colon. These polyps are small abnormal growth in the colon that share the size of a mushroom. In hindsight, they look like small bumps or dents in the colon.

Since polyps do not cause sizable disruption, a doctor can simply use a colonoscopy tube to get rid of them. A polypectomy is a procedure in which the doctor inserts a long tube inside a patient and attaches a camera to it. The camera helps the doctor navigate around the colon to look for cancerous polyps.

general surgery colon cancer surgeons

After the careful spotting of the polyp, the doctor uses a wire to loop around the stem of the polyp and then cut it off with the help of an electric current. This a very careful procedure; the doctor takes plenty of precautions before they can remove the cancerous cavity. Nevertheless, it is relatively easier and less time consuming than other surgeries for colon cancer.

Local Excision

Local excision is another minimally invasive procedure like polypectomy. For procedures such as these, the doctor does not have to make incisions in the stomach. However, this procedure requires slightly more involvement from the professional. The doctor not only removes the cancerous polyps inside the colon but also the surrounding healthy tissues.

This prevents further spread. However, this does not promise the prevention of further growth of cancerous cells. If the doctor believes that the cancer is likely to spread, then they will opt for another procedure, such as Colectomy.


Colectomy is one of the solutions to treat colon cancer. The doctor removes the colon or some parts of the colon in this surgery. The doctor decides whether they will perform a total colectomy or partial colectomy depending on the intensity of the abnormal growth.

Partial Colectomy

In a partial colectomy, surgeons remove one-third or one-fourth of the colon along with some of the lymph nodes so they can check them for cancer. This surgery only removes the portion of the colon that has cancerous growth and then sews the remaining colon together. You can also call this surgery segmental colectomy and hemicolectomy.

Total Colectomy

In a total colectomy, a person undergoes a complete colon removal. The doctor goes for this option when the polyp growth extends beyond control. Furthermore, doctors may also resort to this solution when the person with colon cancer starts having other problems with their colon.

General surgery colon cancer | Surgeon NYC


If the doctor is unable to instantly sew the colon together after partial colectomy, then the patient undergoes a colostomy. For this surgery, the doctor attaches a colostomy bag to the colon until the other part of the colon heals. The plastic bag allows the patient to pass stool from the colon since the bag acts as a collective source of the stool. The bag directly attaches to the stoma of the colon; the stoma is the opening of the operated colon.

Colectomy – The Procedure

There are two ways a doctor can perform a colectomy: Open colectomy and laparoscopic-assisted colectomy.

Open Colectomy

For this procedure, the doctor makes a long incision in the abdominal region of the body. Surgeons use a scalpel for this surgery, and it creates an opening into the colon for operation.

Laparoscopic Assisted Colectomy

Unlike open surgery, the surgeons make multiple small incisions and use a laparoscope, along with other tools to perform this operation. The laparoscope is a long and thin tube, having a micro camera and lights at the end of it. This allows surgeons to move around the abdomen with the help of this tool and have clear visibility. In comparison to open colectomy, this procedure is less invasive.

Since the incisions in this procedure are small, the patient recovery time decreases to a significant amount. Thus, a patient does not have to be under bed rest for too long in this surgery. Nevertheless, this is a much more technical procedure because of the use of highly advanced tools. Only surgeons that have the expertise and experience of performing a laparoscopic surgery will offer you the best procedure.

General Surgery Colon Cancer: Consult with Experienced Surgeons

If you want access to professional and expert colon surgery in New York, then head on to Lenox Hill Surgeons. We offer the best surgical services, along with the expertise of surgeons that specialize in colon surgery. Visit our website now, or call us at 646-846-1136 to book an appointment.

Colon Surgery for Cancer

Colon cancer is one of the common types of cancer that starts from the large intestine. Colon cancer occurs in the last part of your digestive tract, and it tends to affect adults, but it can also take place at any age.

Most doctors advise some screening tests for people with no symptoms or signs to look for colon cancer or noncancerous colon polyps. At the early stage of colon cancer, your chances of being cured are quite high. Screening can help detect colon cancer at an early stage.

Generally, doctors will recommend people of around age 50 to begin screening because, at this age, they tend to be at risk of developing colon cancer. But people with a family history of colon cancer are at higher risk of having colon cancer, and they should consider getting screened earlier.

There are quite a lot of screening options, and every one of them has its own set of drawbacks and benefits. Before choosing any type of screening, it would be best if you discuss them with your doctor. Doctors are experts that give you advice concerning the most suitable and appropriate options.

Doctors use screening for a colonoscopy; thus, they can remove polyps at the time of screening before it turns into advanced stage cancer.

Causes of Colon Cancer

Colon cancer specialists are not sure about its causes. Usually, colon cancer starts when healthy cells in the colon expand and undergo changes in their DNA. Your DNA holds several sets for instructions.

Healthy cells raise and split in an orderly technique according to your DNA instructions, which maintains normal function of your body. Your cells will become cancerous when the cell’s DNA is damaged, and they continue to divide or multiply.

A tumor will occur in your body as soon as the cells build up. As time passes, the cancer cells can develop to attack and wipe out normal healthy tissue. Cancerous cells can reach other parts of your body and begin multiplying there too (metastasis).

Colon Surgeries for Cancer

There is more than one treatment to cure colon cancer, but the ones that help you depend on your current situation. Also, the type of treatment you select involves the exact spot of your cancer, every type of health concern, and, most importantly, its stage. Usually, the treatment for colon cancer includes surgery to eliminate it. Doctors might recommend some other treatments too, such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

Surgeries for Early-Stage Colon Cancer

For small colon cancer, your doctor might recommend you a simple invasive approach through surgery. Following are those simple invasive surgeries;

·       Remove Polyps While a Colonoscopy (polypectomy)

As for small and localized cancer, which contain a polyp while being at an early stage, your doctor can eliminate it entirely while performing a colonoscopy.

·       Endoscopic Mucosal Resection

The doctor can remove larger polyps during colonoscopy with the help of some special tools and a small quantity of the colon’s inner lining. In scientific terms, you can cell this whole procedure, an endoscopic mucosal resection.

·       Minimally invasive surgery (laparoscopic surgery)

There is a type of polyp that doctors can’t remove during a colonoscopy, but they can eliminate it with laparoscopic surgery. In this procedure, the surgeon will operate quite a lot of small incisions on the wall of your abdomen. The surgeon inserts these instruments and attaches a camera with them, which will display your colon on a video. They might also take samples from lymph nodes where the cancer is situated.

Symptoms of Colon Cancer

Below are the common signs and symptoms of colon cancer. Even early-stage patients of colon cancer have these symptoms:

  • A constant change in your bowel condition, including constipation, diarrhea, or a difference in your stool’s stability.
  • Blood or rectal bleeding in your stool.
  • Continuous abdominal discomfort like gas, cramps, or pain
  • A feeling that your bowel doesn’t clear entirely
  • Fatigue or weakness
  • Unplanned weight loss

Moreover, many colon cancer patients do not experience any of the above symptoms, especially in the early stages. Symptoms that do appear are likely to vary slightly, although it depends on the size and location of your large intestine’s cancer.


Several medications can reduce the risk of colon cancer or precancerous polyps. However, you must not take these medications before consulting with your doctor. You can also contact Lenox Hill surgeons by visiting their website. You can search for your disease or condition and its pertinent treatment through their website. There is plenty of important information about colon cancer and surgical treatment.

Colon Surgery for Cancer Patients

Colon cancer is a disease that affects many people, and there are a number of ways in which treatment is administered for this type of cancer. One of the most common treatments for colon cancer is surgery, particularly if the cancer is still in its very early stages. In this case, the colon surgery may be performed in order to remove the tumor, which may require part or the colon along with the lymph nodes to be removed. The latter is because the cancer will usually spread to the lymph nodes first, which is why they may be removed as part of the colon surgery.

The decision with regards to surgery and the type of surgery required will be based on a number of factors such as what stage the cancer is at, whereabouts it is located, and whether it has spread to other parts of the body. In addition, the surgeon will also need to take your age and general health into consideration when making a decision with regards to colon surgery. This procedure is performs by a specialist surgeon with expertise in bowel cancer and colon surgical procedures.

How is the operation performed?

Colon cancerThe process through which the surgery is performed will depend on a range of factors. When your doctor carries out tests to make a firm diagnoses, he or she will be far better placed to make a decision with regard to your treatment. In some cases, the procedure is carried out as open surgery, which means that you will have to prepare yourself for a lengthy recovery period following the procedure. However, in other cases it may be performed as keyhole surgery, which is less invasive and traumatic. It also means that you do not have to cope with such as long recovery period.

Additional surgery may also have to be carried out if the cancer has spread to other areas such as the liver or lungs. In these cases, chemotherapy is generally the treatment that is used to try and shrink and control the cancer. However, there may be cases where the surgeon decides upon surgery such as a liver or lung resection based on where the cancer has spread to. Again, this is something that the surgeon will decide upon and discuss with you following diagnosis and assessment.

Speak to one of the best general surgeons in NYC

Colon cancerIf you need advice about colon surgery and what is involved, you can get in touch with us and speak with one of the best general surgeons in New York City. Call us today and we will be happy to arrange an initial consultation



Contact us at 646-846-1136 to schedule an appointment.